Hacking - cybercrime
Cybercrime wasin
progress to develop in the recent past, with the improvement of computer systems
and technologies. Today, there are regularincidences intrusion into PC systems
of large businesses, for advantage. These declines in systems,currently can be perform
almost from all individuals, and all you need is good computer skills and a
good rate. The age structure of perpetrators of these criminal acts is diverse.
Hacker is a concept in
computing that can mean several things. Hackers are people who know very well
computers, software, and hardware. As a term, many controversies are in the
professional circles. The beginning of controversy is in the misuse of the term
in the media where there is a common picture of them as criminals. They are
often replaced with virus writers and intruders that enter into information
systems. Hackers are people who like to have a positive curiosity to explore
the limits of what is possible, often involving the overhaul of existing hardware
and software solutions to gain a new function or unlock a hidden one.
Most of these
individual are from technologically advanced countries, where the technique and
technology far more progressive with respect to our country. The reasons that
perform these activities are also diverse. Often it’s obtaining illegal profit,
the damage of confident databases, deactivating some servers that are of great
significance or is it stealing some data that have a countlessmeasureable value
but are significant for the committer of that act for further reasons.
This study aims to
investigate the cybercrime, in order to answer the thesis statement, which is:
“The cybercrime is harmful for the privacy of the people and organizations.”
The term cybercrime
Computer (PC) in each
case is one of the most significant and most revolutionary accomplishments of hi-techevolution.
But, in addition to the many advantages that carries humanity, the computer has
quickly become a tool of mishandling by persons, groups or even organization. In
this way a PC wrongdoing as uncommon and particular type of the structure of
present day culpability, the size and attributes. This merits the consideration
of the state and its organs and even whole international group.
Thanks to the enormous
power of computers in memorizing and fast processing of large amounts of data,
automated information systems are becoming more numerous and almost
indispensable part of the whole social life of all subjects at all levels. That
computer becomes the everyday and essential part (segment) of all spheres of
social life of the production, transport, service delivery to the national
defense and security in the broadest sense.
The computer becomes a
means of performing various forms of illegal, unlawful and socially dangerous
activities. Of course, Cybercrime under whose collective title includes all
these diverse forms and forms of behavior related to the misuse of computers
and information systems there is no generally accepted definition. Thus, in the
literature for the criminal diversified computer crime using different terms,
such as misuse of computers, computer fraud, tort by computer, computer crime
and techno crime.
This type of crime as
opposed to the other does not represent a still rounded by phenomenological
category, and it is impossible to define a unique and precise conceptual
definition. Cybercrime is a crime that is directed against the security of
information (computer, computer) system in order to be himself or for another
some gain or to other causes damage.
Cybercrime is according
to some defined as misuse of computers in terms of each event that is related
to the use of computer technology in which the victim suffers or is likely to
suffer loss, but the offender acts with the intention of acquiring or could
obtain the benefit. Some Cybercrime defined as the commission of offenses for
which the computer appears as a tool or object protection or as the use of
computers in the exercise of fraud, evasion or abuse.
The characteristics of cybercrime
Cybercrime is primarily
characterized by its dynamics and a number of forms. This is understandable
because it is a new technology with great possibilities as it applies to almost
all areas of social life. There are also new, much more dangerous forms of criminal
behavior, which until now were not known in criminal law, which know no borders
between countries but not between continents.
The harmful
consequences of cyber crime are extremely high. They may exhibit and the
occurrence of property damage to natural or legal person and sometimes for the
whole country. Even the perpetrators of crimes related to the misuse of
computers represent a special, often a specific category of people. There is
usually a non-delinquent, non-powerful, generally adaptable persons. Usually,
these arepersons who still need to have special expertise and practical skills
and knowledge in the field of high data technology, PC and PC technology and
which are such technological fundsaccessible. These are criminal acts carried
out covertly, often without some visible and close spatial connection between
the perpetrator acts and victims (injured). Most often hard to detect and even
harder to prove a long time remain virtually undiscovered until damaged not
suffer any damage that is visible in the system of computer information. It is
a crime that rapidly changing forms and forms of expression, the border between
the two countries and the type of damaged .
Raids in the system
Nowadays, hackers
generally motivates profit. For this reason they carry out numerous incursions
into systems. The final outcome of a typical taking control of a computer by
hackers could be the case with your computer or server on tens of thousands of
messages with advertising or compromising content on different address, or
through your server sold hill of banned products and information. Such crimes
today are quickly discovering a trace of the sender ultimately leads to - your
computer .
Although it is today
impossible life and functioning is not citizens but not the country as anentire,
without the use of PCs and present information technology, is acognizance that
this valuable and very essential resources can be used for illegal, illegitimate
objectives, mainly for gaining illegal profit to anindividual or to damage
others. Because our reality in last years notedmany cases of abuse of computers
for illegal purposes it was high period that the state not only preventive
measures but also the system of criminal sanctions to grips with these
irresponsible individuals and groups.
That was the main
motive to our country joins a number of countries that in their system of
criminal laws provide various types and forms of computer crime for which they
prescribe severe penalties. In the system of the criminalization prevail
different cases of unlawful, unauthorized intrusion into people's computers and
computer systems of other persons (natural persons, legal entities or state
authorities or public services).
Such illicit activities
may be different from alteration, destruction, damage to the utilization and
use of unauthorized obtained data. Most often this works undertaken with a
particular mental element on the side of the perpetrator - the intent to
himself or another obtain a benefit (or other property) or the other of causing
damage. If such a gain obtained or whether such damage done to it is a serious,
qualified forms for which the statutory crackdown.
We hope that the
implementation of these legal provisions largely suppress and prevent a number
of unlawful conduct in relation to the computer or through a computer, which
will protect human and social goods and values, security and trust in computer
systems and the protection of human rights and freedoms will receive quality
higher level.
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